World of Business

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Dear Visitor, do you want to be rich? Then view more...

Monday, December 19, 2011

Merry Xmas

Dear visitor,
The year 2011 is coming to its end. The time at which our saviour Jesus Christ was born is knocking at our doors (Hearts). This is the time of Joy, Peace and Merry.
We Thank you for being part of Ultraserve Limited, for 2011 and are eagerly waiting to serve you to our best even in 2012.

We Wish You a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous new year 2012.
Best wishes from staff and Management

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


"My Savings and Expense Management Teacher" book is now available for sale. It costs only UGX 6,000 and US$ 3.5.
For details contact the Author on:
or email:

Thursday, December 23, 2010


The management, staff and directors of Ultraserve Limited wish a merry christmas and a happy new year 2011. May the good Lord be with you.
Thank you for visiting our site.

Ready to serve you even better in 2011.


Thursday, October 14, 2010


Dear visitor and Partner of Ultraserve Ltd,
The company's annual report is about to be out. Be ready to view the activities your company has engaged in, how it has performed in the last financial year and advise accordingly.

Thank you for keeping and maintaining the partnership.

In your service;

Company Secretary.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Dear visitor,
Ultraserve Limited has designed and is implementing a project to train entrepreneurship and financial literacy in secondary schools and institutions of higher learning to contribute to the economy's growth.
Do you own a school or do you work in a school or institution and interested in the development of the school academically, socially and economically? Then Ultraserve limited is the immediate answer and partner in achieving your goals.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Utraserve to participate in the East African Investment Conference

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ten Tips to Help You Save

By Muhwezi Daraus, Ultraserve Limited

Making smart choices with your money is a lifelong process. The good news: you don’t have to follow a traditional budget to develop better spending habits, and you can start at any age.
Start saving now: Consider the ten tips below and find the ones that work for you.

1. Use Bargains and Benefits
Of course you don’t feel like a senior, don’t look like a senior, and certainly don’t act like a senior. Don’t let that deter you from using age to your, and your pocket book’s advantage. Bargain to your best for discounts and ensure that you have a penny saved.

2. Make it Fun and Generational
Instead of a budget, challenge yourself to a game. The goal: to find new ways to spend less on your everyday purchases. Turning this process into a game puts your subconscious to work, so there will always be a part of you on the lookout for ways to save.
Encourage family members to join your new way of thinking. This budgeting game could be a perfect opportunity to teach grandchildren better spending habits of their own.

3. Allow Choices
The rebel in us makes it hard to stick with a budget that feels like a diet.
Instead, frame your spending habits in terms of choices. For example: you can have both the beans and fried chicken, but perhaps not both on the same day.
You can use an online budget calculator to look at how much you spend and determine what areas may need adjustments.

4. Use Systematic Withdrawals
Don’t give yourself unlimited access to investment funds. Instead, set up direct deposits from your investments into your checking account. This provides a consistent paycheck and helps prevent overspending.

5. Use Organizations
Benefit programs, such as the one offered by Ultraserve Limited allow you to get quality food (information) for half the price. This is not a need based program, so you don’t have to go through any qualification process to use the benefit.

6. Consider Housing Alternatives
Roommates offer companionship and help you both save money. You can find roommates to help you reduce on spending. You can also lower costs by staying in the high maintenance house/yard for flat, in an active living community; somewhere where you can walk to shopping and entertainment.

7. Use Public Transportation
With gas prices on the rise, look for ways to use public transport means when available. Talk to neighbors to see if there are opportunities to carpool. Even better: find local markets within walking or biking distance.

8. Pay less for vacation
Enjoy your vacation from relatively cheap, attractive and good places such as cottage areas, national parks, gardened hotels, etc.

9. Stay Healthy
A gym membership and healthy cooking lessons may be the best investment you’ll ever make. To keep your medical expenses down spend time learning how to stay healthy and fit.

10. Manage Debt
Use debt wisely. A reverse mortgage, for example, may be the right use of debt. If you get too much of the wrong kind of debt, such as high credit balances, talk to a credit counselor.